Dental Services

Greater Meridian Health Clinic, Inc. provides quality dental services from a caring and compassionate dental team.  We offer preventive and restorative dental treatments at affordable prices.  We staff a dental hygienist for cleanings and oral hygiene education.  We treat children and educate parents about the importance of preventive dental care and try to establish a positive experience for both.


Getting regular dental check-ups, keeping scheduled dental appointments and abiding by the self-management goals outlined by your dental provider are very important to staying healthy. In addition to providing you with preventive dental care services, Greater Meridian Health Clinic, Inc. provides the dental services listed below.

Dental Care Services

  • Extractions (Tooth pulled)
  • Dentures
  • Partials
  • Crowns and Bridges (Caps)
  • Composites (White fillings)
  • Restorations (Silver fillings)
  • Root Canals
  • Children fillings and stainless steel crowns
  • Cleanings
  • Dental radiographs (X-Rays)
  • Professional consultations
  • Specialty referrals (i.e. oral surgery, orthodontics)
